Comme il faut.   

We love giving gifts. We believe that giving a gift brings both parties a pleasant experience, lots of emotions and joy. We would very much like people to give each other gifts often and for them to be easy to get.

We really like meeting friends, but also new people. We believe that the most pleasant meetings are always born with good food, and drinks, at a friendly table in a safe environment. For us, the table is the basis of family, community, and society.

We really like it nice. We believe that beautiful things, friendly design and art will make our day, put us in a good mood, and please a friend. The sight of beautiful things is refreshing.

We love to get it right. We believe that every meal tastes better from high-quality porcelain with the right cutlery and that every drink is drunk with more pleasure from a beautiful and suitable glass.

We love it comme il faut.

The store is operated by Regina Sieber & Co., s.r.o. Třebízského 4, Prague 2.

ID number: 24842729, VAT number: CZ24842729

The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague under file number C 179487.